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During the procedure, the client relaxes in a blanket of special material, which is a therapeutic method that complements Scenar therapy. The blanket is not connected to external energy sources, its effect is based on an internally embedded specific shielding layer. This layer prevents the effects of various external effects on the body, accumulates energy and provides the body with favorable conditions for self-healing.

While in the blanket, strange bodily sensations such as increased sweating / freezing, tingling, pain, dizziness, changes in breathing and heart rate, etc. may occur, but the onset of these sensations is individual - each person is different at each treatment. In most cases, people feel light in the blanket and fall into a deep sleep.

The use of a blanket reduces pain, increases energy, balances the central nervous system, relieves stress, improves sleep quality, strengthens the immune system and stabilizes the general state of health of the body.

The use of a medical blanket is recommended for preventive purposes, in cases of acute pain and lack of energy, and in situations of general, chronic complaints.

If acute indications are indicated or recommended by a Scenar therapist, additional passive Scenar therapy may be used during the medical blanket procedure. Electrodes are placed on certain parts of the body, which act passively while the client relaxes in a medical cover.

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